Welcome to the Kingdom
To my firstborn baby grand child:
Today, June 25, 2023, you told the Lord of heaven, and testified to the world that you have sold out, and given your all to the Lord Jesus. Buried with him in baptism, and raised to a new life forever. Your heart Has truly been His for a long time. You were born to shew forth His praises, even as your name, “Hallie” indicates- “Praise the Lord!”
As you walk in his presence every day, my heart rejoices that you will never have to know the emptiness of living for a world of things that can never satisfy; You will never thirst for meaning, or significance, or love. You will never have to question your identity. When these quests are questioned by the enemy of your soul, you will need only to go back to your roots; to the place where Heaven came down, and glory filled your soul; to the day that you were raised up to be a child of the King; to this day; Sunday, June 25, 2023.
If it’s many years before the Lord returns, and if life is as I expect it will be, I will be blessed to get to go to our forever home, and you will be left here to carry the torch of God’s truth throughout your generation. Baby girl, carry it bravely, for all true soldiers of the Lord are required to have great courage. All your days, you will be marching counter to the world and it’s loves. Your true comrades in the world will be few. You will be misunderstood and thought to be peculiar. March on. Bibi has walked this road before you and I will be somewhere up ahead calling you onward. You will take hold of many along the way and point them to the Light and they too will follow Him. Others, you will fuse your courage into and they will arise and march on with you.
It is one of my life’s greatest honors to welcome you to the Kingdom; as not only my grand baby girl, but as my sister Princess, as an heir together of eternal life and an heir of all creation. Forever, we will walk the paths of God together, and know fullness of joy for all eternity.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, with all my whole heart! There could be no greater gift than that of being one in soul, in purpose, in spirit, mind, and heart with my offspring forever and ever!