Somebody’s Looking for You
Bibby’s Blessings
“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me–put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Phil. 4:9
Today, as I’ve been pouring my heart out to the Lord for you and my babies, I asked that God would place extraordinary people in your paths; people who are older, deeper, wiser, more knowledgeable, passionate, zealous, balanced, sensible, God fearing, outstanding Christians; people who have walked a long, hard, narrow road with Him; people who know Him well and hear Him accurately; people who have died to self and LIVE for Him because their hearts have been completely captured by Him.
It dawns on me that there are precious few of those kind in this world; people who are just clearly “other” than most; who are able with intestinal fortitude to stand alone with humility, yet confidently; who do not follow a moral code, but follow a living LORD who is clearly dictating their lives.
So, my beloved ones, if you find yourselves at a loss for spotting people who are these things , in a world full of middle of the road, lukewarm, “not sure if he is or isn’t” a distinctly “one thing matters” Jesus follower…
Somebody’s out there looking for YOU!
Somebody out there may never know what a sold out Christ follower looks like unless they spot it in YOU!!