Open Hands
Bibby’s Blessings
April 15, 2016
“For you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.” Ps.3:3
There are few verses, as your mother, that I have found more comforting than this; that there is an invisible shield around you, my beloved ones.
As I prayed for all of you this morning by name, I took each of you in my hand, held my opened hands up to my Father and asked that He be a shield around you.
I offered you to Him with my hands opened, confessing that I dare not cling to you tightly, for you belong, not to me, but to Him; that you were on loan to me from Him for a brief time but that I have never truly had the control of how life happens for you. That is His call.
My simple prayer for years has been this: “I pray that You will protect and shield my children in all ways. May nothing ever touch their lives except that which You deem necessary to fulfill Your purposes for them. Whatever Your wisdom and love decrees, I will say ‘Yes’ to because I trust You That much!”
Because I believe He hears and honors such prayer, I have and will continue to live without fear of your futures!
I pray that you will learn early to always hold your babes in an open hand up to the God who loves them even more than you do!
God blesses that kind of trust!