Love the Lord Your God
Bibby’s Blessings:
April 13, 2016
My beloved ones! My heart is so incredibly full knowing that EACH of you now knows what it is to love a child of your own! That I have lived to see this day is one of the greatest blessings God will ever give me!
(“May you live to see your children’s children.”) Ps.128:6
As I sit here praying for you as you all have entered this journey, I want to tell you one very, very simple truth yet one of the most profound words of wisdom you may ever hear!
Someone asked me a few days ago when dad and I were going to write a book explaining to others how to raise such great kids.
Speaking for myself, I can tell you this: The assignment He gave me was beyond me. I knew that I was being asked to do something that I could never accomplish, something that absorbed all my energy and wore out my patience.
This, in a nutshell would be my most accurate answer to that person:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength.” Mark 12:30
It sounds too simple but I am convinced that it’s true.
As we bring to Him our love, He in turn brings to us His power….
The greatest success will be determined by how much we truly love God.
Pretty profound, huh?