I used to play a game with my grand daughter nearly every time I was with her. We named the game “rocks” and that sweet baby could play rocks for hours. The object was to pile those rocks as high as we could. I would pray right out loud every time we played that game, “Oh God! Give my baby lots of rocks!” She had no idea, of course, all the meaning that prayer held, but God knew.
In Old Testament days, when God did something spectacular for His people, something that only He could have done, He told them to set up huge stones of remembrance. At one place, they named the monument “Ebenezer,” meaning, “thus far, the Lord has helped me.”
In future generations, when their children passed by and asked, “What happened here?” they could tell them of the power and faithfulness of the LORD in their lives.
What monumental “stones” have been set up in your life; events that could only be accomplished by God Himself?
When families and friends get together this week; when you’re with your children, grandchildren, or maybe your children’s friends, why not tell them “a tory” (as my girl used to say) about some of your Rock monuments?
Or maybe you could do as I have done so many times and pray over each of them that the LORD will give those kids lots of “rocks” throughout their lives.
“Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.” Ps.145:4
“And he said to the people of Israel, “When your children ask their fathers in times to come, ‘What do these stones mean?’
Then you can tell them, ‘This is where the Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’ “ Joshua 4:21,22
May you and yours be blessed with Ebenezer’s all throughout your lives!
Happy Independence Day!!!