Batter Up!
….” You shall be called a repairer of the breech.” Is.58:12
There just comes a time in one’s life when you know it’s “Batter Up”!!! “You’re On!” You were born for such a time as this. If you’re ever gonna make a difference in this world for eternity, now is your moment. It’s time to walk in a power that is not your own; to speak forth words that are true and living and powerful and piercing…right down to the souls of men! It’s time to clothe yourself with kindness and truth and zeal as your cloak!!! It’s time to put away lame and worldly visions. This world and all it contains is passing away and will soon be gone. There is another kingdom that will soon overtake us. We best be about the business of campaigning for it! Onward, Christian soldiers! You’re up to bat! Make it count……