Are World Events Adding Up to the Summing Up of All Things? Part 1
As many of my FB friends know all too well, I have recently finished teaching an in-depth study of the book of Revelation. As you read my almost weekly status updates, perhaps you would have agreed with my daughter when she said, “Mom, you’re kinda freaking out, aren’t you?” Well, let me tell you! I think that is a fairly accurate statement! Although I have studied this book in the past, this time became very, very different. As I taught from week to week, I also watched before my very eyes as world events eerily seemed to be shaping up for these very events to take place. I began to feel a sense of urgency that I have never before felt in my life; a burden to snatch as many as possible, through whatever means possible, from the terrible time of Tribulation that Jesus prophesied would come upon this earth. A time “such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall.” (Matt. 24:21) I would not wish these events on my worst enemy, much less any of you, my beloved friends!
While I do not consider myself in any way to be a Bible Scholar, I do believe that God is able to reveal truth to even me because I desire desperately to know it and am willing to obey what is revealed to me, whatever the cost. (John 7:17) I will try to be as brief as possible as I share with you my conclusions as they relate to current events. I will leave to you the responsibility of studying the Scriptures on your own to see if my conclusions are your own as well. IF mine are accurate, we are on a fast track toward the summing up of all things; the fulfillment of God’s eternal plan for the earth and it’s inhabitants.
So….that being said, please hang with me as I build on a few foundational truth’s necessary for an understanding of the book of Revelation.
1. God revealed to Daniel that there were 490 years decreed to complete His plan for the Jewish people. (Daniel 9:24-27
2. 483 of those years have been fulfilled precisely, to the day, as God told Daniel they would be.(Daniel 9:25-26a describe those years) If you know the history of the nation of Israel, you will find this utterly astounding!!!
3. There are 7 years still pending for God to complete His plan for the nation of Israel. These 7 years are referred to as the “Tribulation,” the “Great Tribulation,” the “time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) trouble,” and the “Day of the Lord.” (Matt. 24:9,21; Jer. 30:7; II Thes. 2:2) This time of Tribulation will occur at the “end of time” as we know it.
4. Rev. 5-20:3 is a detailed account of these 7 years of Tribulation, which God will precisely perform, even as He has the 483 yrs.
5. At some point, before these 7 years begin, believers in Christ will be “snatched up” in what is widely known as the rapture of the church. (I Thes. 4:13-17; I Cor. 15:51-53)
Many do not understand that the rapture (being “caught up”) and the Second Coming of Christ to earth are two separate events. In the rapture, believers are “caught up” to be with the Lord. (Note Scriptures above) In the Second Coming, Christ, along with all previously raptured saints will return TO THE EARTH to set up His eternal kingdom on earth!! The prayer that you and I have prayed all our lives, “Thy kingdom COME, Thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven” will finally be answered at His second coming! There are some who believe that these two events happen simultaneously. I tend to disagree with this view because of the previously noted Scriptures. Either way, HE IS COMING AGAIN TO THIS EARTH. We will either be here for the 7 years of Tribulation or we won’t. My study has led me to believe that we won’t. (The “we” I am speaking of are genuine believers whose lives have been transformed by Jesus Christ) ALL OTHERS WILL BE HERE! The purpose of this 7 yrs., as I stated before, is to fulfill God’s plan for the Jews.
A little added addendum may of interest to you here. The Old Testament has over 300 SPECIFIC prophecies (meaning easily understood, no interpretation necessary) of the first coming of Christ. (His virgin birth, His birthplace, Bethlehem, etc.) NOW…….chew on this for a moment if you will. Statisticians agree that the chance of ONLY 8 of those 300 being fulfilled in one person is 1 chance in 10 to the 17th power!! That’s for only 8! And ALL 300 were literally fulfilled! Just thought you might like to go figure on that one for a while! IT WOULD BE VERY WISE FOR US TO TAKE LITERALLY THE PROPHECIES OF HIS SECOND COMING, DON’T YOU THINK????
A very interesting and legitimate question arises here. If you are a Gentile and you are “left behind” at the rapture, can you be saved during this time or have you completely lost your chance? I will not be dogmatic here. Many learned scholars have differing views on this question. I personally believe that God purposefully left the answer to this question somewhat obscure for a reason. (I will leave you to figure out what that reasoning may be on your own.) I will say only this…..IF you are left behind:
1. There is at least a possibility that your heart will be hardened so that you will believe the lies of the Antichrist. (Please read II Thes. 2:11,12)
2. There is an enormously strong possibility that you will be killed by war, famine, natural disasters (worldwide earthquakes, asteroid or meteor showers, enormous hailstones), plagues, etc.(Rev. 6:8,12-17; 8:8-12)
3. Should you miraculously survive these things, you will be required to take the “mark of the beast” on your hand or forehead in order to buy or sell ANYTHING! (Rev. 13:16,17) Those who take the mark MAY be able to survive the 7 yrs., but will lose the opportunity forever to be a part of God’s eternal kingdom on this wonderfully and newly created earth. Those who refuse the mark in favor of belief in Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, will likely die of starvation or at the hands of the Antichrist as a martyr, yet will enter into Christ eternal kingdom at Tribulation’s end. (Rev. 14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4)
PLEASE trust me on this! You DO NOT want to wait until you experience this time to make your decision as to whether or not to hang all your faith on the ONE whose first coming was for the purpose of redeeming you from this evil world system; to take your personal sin onto Himself, kill and bury it; to provide the one and ONLY means of escape.
If you have not done so, please fall on your knees today and cry out with all your heart, “God! Have mercy on me, a sinner! Save me! I repent of my unbelief. I place all my trust in You alone for eternal life.”
Keep your eyes on the sky, my beloved friends! He could split the skies at any moment!
Part 2…..concerning current world events is coming. But DON’T WAIT FOR IT BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR LIFE AND ETERNITY IN HIS CARE! Please, please…If you hear His voice today, do not harden your hearts to it. (Heb. 4:7)
His Word is trustworthy. He IS coming again! We may be looking eternity in the face sooner than we think!
Stayed tuned for part two! All my love and prayers for you all!