A Short Summation of my Life
The simple testimony of one BFI in a nutshell:
I am not a particularly ambitious person…I just want to love Jesus with all out, complete, crazy abandonment!
I have no desire for self promotion, I just want to love Jesus so much that it causes other’s hearts to burn with love and desire for Him.
It matters not in the very least How He uses my life; whether alone on my knees or in some public way, I just want to promote the growth of a Kingdom of people who love Him with every fiber of their being.
It doesn’t matter how much I know; it only matters that all I do know of Him, I love immensely!
It doesn’t matter what He asks me to do, as long as He lives brightly in the depths of my heart!
I love Him so very, very much now, but I am painfully aware of how much more I COULD love Him!
This is what I live for! To know Him more and love Him supremely! This is my all consuming ambition and THIS is the summation of my life!